šŸ‚šŸšŸ‚ Fall is in the Air! šŸ‚šŸšŸ‚

We are re-open normal Saturday Hours 10am-2pm!

Call us with custom inquiries, or browse the drop-down menus for something pre-designed!

Bookings for the 2024 wedding season are still available; call or email to schedule a consult! We think every wedding deserves beautiful flowers, no matter the budget. Come work with us to create an event that is uniquley yours.


 Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

Saturday 10am-2pm

Sunday Closed in Store;

Call ahead to schedule delivery or for custom pickup

Located on the corner of Fireweed and C st.

Come see our new fireweed painted on the building by our owner;
Mineko Hummel!

Most Popular



Florist Choice Bouquet


Florist Choice Bouquet - WOW !


Friendship bouquet


Grand Spectacle Red and White


Happy Dreams




Hello Sunshine


Lilies and Rainbow


Love Letter


Magical Mums


Over the Rainbow


Over the Rainbow deluxe


Red Roses with Lilies and Orchids


Summer Flare


Sunset Sky


9 piece Truffle Box


buy now