❄️⛄️ Happy Holidays! ⛄️❄️
Call us today to get the perfect holiday pieces for your entertaining this winter!
We have a wide selection of centerpieces and arrangements, and we can design the perfect indoor and outdoor decor pieces to brighten up your holidays!

 Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Saturday 10am-2pm
Sunday Closed in Store (*call for custom options)
Closed for Christmas Day

Located on the corner of Fireweed and C st.
Come see our new fireweed painted on the building by our owner;
Mineko Hummel!

Most Popular

Blue and White


Candy Cane Joy


Celebration Bouquet




Christmas Tree


Florist Choice Bouquet


Grand Spectacle Red and White


Green God


Hello Sunshine


Lets Celebrate


Over the Rainbow


Pretty Mist


Radiant Beauty


Red & White Dozen Roses


Snowman Centerpiece


Spectaclar Christmas


Winter Wonder Centerpiece


You make me smile


9 piece Truffle Box


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