❄️......Happy 2025 Anchorage!.....❄️

Bring in the New-Year Cheer with a flower arrangement!
We have a wide selection of centerpieces and arrangements, perfect to light up the New Year for you, loved ones, or friends! Brows our website, or call us to set up a perfectly custom arrangement!

 Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Saturday 10am-2pm
Sunday Closed in Store (*call for custom options)
Closed for New Years Day
, Open 8am-3pm January 2nd and 3rd

Located on the corner of Fireweed and C st.
Come see our new fireweed painted on the building by our owner;
Mineko Hummel!

Most Popular



Florist Choice Bouquet


Grand Spectacle Red and White


Lets Celebrate


Love the way you are


Over the Rainbow


Radiant Beauty


Red & White Dozen Roses


Spectaclar Christmas


Sunny Day Bouquet


Time for Tea


You make me smile


9 piece Truffle Box


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